Quest for Idiranium
An obvious benefit of officially establishing trade relations with Khar-Hurrians is that some hitherto unknown items and materials have become available on the open market. Among those, a metal called Idiranium has been all the rage, as even a small amount of it will make standard metal alloys 10x stronger then military-grade ones commonly used on Havvacor and Planet Banimon.
As the Khar-Hurrian merchants are understandably unwilling to disclose the source of this precious metal, Banigoth High Command and The Directory of Havvacor have organized squadrons of privateers to scour the known Universe in search of planets rich in Idiranium. While these outfits have no formal affiliation with their respective home planets, in reality they are getting all the logistical support possible in pursuit of their mission.
Only a step removed from outright piracy and unfettered by interplanetary laws, these adventurers are under strict orders not to engage with any of the Havvacor, Banigoth or Khar-Hurrian vessels, for fear of disrupting the fragile peace and triggering a large scale conflict. On the other hand, ships flying the colors of Alliance of Seven Satellites have been plundered on more then one occasion with no consequences whatsoever. In response, The Alliance has had to raise a militia to protect it’s major trading centers, with training provided by military advisors from their former Khar-Hurrian overlords.
Meanwhile, the source of Idiranium remains elusive, even as privateer expeditions push into the unexplored sections of the galaxy hoping to get lucky. But they might find more then they bargained for…