Open Trade Pact
The day has come to answer Khar-Hurrian request to be granted spaceport access on Havvacor and Planet Banimon.
The Banigoth especially, having only recently recovered Baniport were loathe to share their prize. With their newly established space trade monopoly on their home planet, Banigoth were able to choke off their surrounded enemy, Red Army Men, by denying them essentially everything. Now the Khar-Hurrian merchants would likely keep the Revolutionaries fed until the harvests, which were always rich on Arigato Plains. It was reasonable to expect that they would now be supplied too, though not nearly enough and at astronomic rates. Regardless, agreeing to the Khar-Hurrian demands meant that instead of quickly mopping up and returning to their Space Conquest, the Banigoth will have to watch their enemies gain strength before the final showdown.
Worse yet, spaceport access would be vital in any future invasion scenario, but here the Banigoth High Command felt confident of detecting and foiling any such attempt before it an invasion force of any significance could gather.
Ultimately, the risk of potential war with a mighty opponent just didn’t make sense, even for the traditionally warlike Banigoth. Extra trade income would also come in handy, as Great Banigoth was already greedily building up his war chest for future conquests. So they said yes.
For Havvacor, this was always going to be an easy call. Khar-Hurrians were too powerful and too close, and after heroically repulsing Banigoth invasion, war-ravaged planet Havvacor would be hard pressed to offer that type of resistance again. They needed time, so they, too said yes.
In the end, the strangers were as good as their word. Having set up trade outposts, their huge fleet moved on in search of a new homeland, and everyone could breathe a sigh of relief. Khar-Hurrian traders still came and went as agreed, but even Alliance of Seven Satellites recovered limited autonomy and things seemed to be on the up and up.
Nobody bothered to ask the question why Khar-Hurrians were happy enough to just move on. Were the rumours of an even more powerful race pursuing them true?