Khar-Hurrian Menace
From remote corners of the Universe, an alien race has emerged to make initial contact with advance trading outposts of the Alliance of Seven Satellites. Different as it was, the visitors’ technology didn’t appear to the Alliance traders any more advanced than their own. On the other hand the sheer numbers of troops and vessels were on a scale not seen around here since the first Invasion of Havvacor. Even though these strangers clearly had the muscle to overpower the weak Alliance of Seven Satellites, for now they were content to trade.
But these were no merchants, they were warriors through and through. Claiming to hail from the distant galaxy of Khar-05, the Khar-Hurrians, as the aliens called themselves, were on a mass migration after the destruction of their planet in an unfortunate ecological experiment. Nobody could tell where exactly they were headed or how long they’d stick around. For everyone in the area (and news travels fast, even between enemies), it was imperative that the Khar-Hurrians pass through their section of the Universe without disturbance, and hopefully find a new home for themselves someplace very very far away.