Returned Army of the Revolution
It would seem like ages ago since the Rebellion on Planet Banimon was put down cruelly by the Banigoth in a coordinated action covering a vast area from the West Bank all the way up to The Drain. At the time, some of the rebels affiliated with the Revolution tried to hold off the Banigoth onslaught desperately, clinging to the rumour of an army of their brethren marching to their aid from the Western Seas. But the army never came.
And now, it may be too late for the rebels, but this army is no longer a rumour. Armed to the teeth and hardened by their long march, they are out for vengeance. Already their advance scouts are approaching the Eldorado Forest, scanning the area and probing the potential defences. Even after so many defeats and setbacks, the Revolution is back for another swing at their barbarian nemesis.
The Banigoth High Command would rather avoid a showdown, apprehensive as they are these days about what former enemy Havvacor might do. A tense truce between the two superpowers holds, but rumours abound that the supposed Lost Army has actually been recruited, trained and armed on Havvacor. Whatever the truth, the Banigoth are once again having their supremacy on Planet Banimon threatened. Banigoth High Command’s decision between standing their ground at Eldorado Forest or withdrawing to their fortifications beyond the Big River may decide the outcome of the war.